Meet My New Lens :D

Tokina AT-X Pro 12-24mm f/4 – UWA Baby! Yay! Really excited for this one. Perfect lens to carry around my next trip. I’m excited to do panoramas using this. Super UWA! :D

I bought this one from Lente Manila. I’m suppose to buy one from Lenses4Less but someone else already bought it. Good thing I found another one! This is a second hand lens, it came from Japan, just like lenses sold in Lenses4Less.


Below are some of my TEST shots:
(All photos taken using Nikon D90 at 12mm focal length)

tokina-12-24-sample-by-shutterbugsdesign (1)
tokina-12-24-sample-by-shutterbugsdesign (2)

tokina-12-24-sample-by-shutterbugsdesign (3)
about 5 inches away from the subject

tokina-12-24-sample-by-shutterbugsdesign (4)
about 7 inches away from the screen
tokina-12-24-sample-by-shutterbugsdesign (5)
This photo looks crappy. i know. haha! but I just want to show you how wide this lens is at 12mm. This mouse is already touching the hood of the lens. It's almost inside actually.

Click HERE for more samples.
Click HERE for the review.


One response to “Meet My New Lens :D”

  1. […] frames, using Tokina UWA lens. […]